Ali Larter
Ali Larter stars in the hit NBC show “Heroes,” a drama following a group of seemingly everyday people who discover they have super powers. Larter stars as ‘Nikki Sanders,’ a single mother who struggles to support her exceptionally gifted young son’s private school education and whose mirror image has many secrets, which are slowly being revealed.
Larter starred opposite Milla Jovovich in “Resident Evil 3: Extinction” as 'Claire Redfield' (a new character to the film series who appears in the video game Resident Evil 2). Several years after the events of Resident Evil 2 Claire Redfield leads a convoy of survivors of the Racoon City incident across the deserts of Nevada. Alice (Jovovich) joins them in their fight for survival and battle with the evil Umbrella Corporation.
Larter starred in the independent film “Marigold,” shot on location in India, opposite Indian superstar Salman Khan. Later this year she will be seen starring in the independent film “Crazy” and will begin filming her next project “Obsessed” in May.
Larter starred in the successful first and second installments of the New Line franchise “Final Destination” and opposite Reese Witherspoon in the hit MGM film “Legally Blonde”. Additionally, Larter enjoyed a successful run on the New York stage in “The Vagina Monologues.”
Making her feature film debut in the blockbuster hit “Varsity Blues” for Paramount Pictures/MTV Films, Larter’s additional credits include Disney’s “A Lot Like Love,” Warner Bros. “American Outlaws” starring opposite Colin Farrel, Dimension Films’ “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” for writer/director/actor Kevin Smith, Warner Bros.’ “The House on Haunted Hill”, a remake of the original Vincent Price horror classic, opposite Taye Diggs and Geoffrey Rush and Fox’s “Drive Me Crazy”.
A native of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Larter began modeling at the age of thirteen and traveled the world before moving to Los Angeles, where she currently resides.