CONGRATULATIONS! V-Board Member Salma Hayek Inducted To French Legion of Honour
V-Day is so proud to announce that V-Day Board member, philanthropist, and actor Salma Hayek has been chosen by President Nicolas Sarkozy to join France's Legion of Honour.
Salma's humanitarian contributions have been immeasurable. For years she has worked to increase awareness on violence against women, women's rights, and discrimination against immigrants. Salma has been a part of V-Day since 2002 when she joined the V-Day Harlem cast of The Vagina Monologues and took part in the V-Day documentary Until The Violence Stops. Since 2004, she has been integral to supporting the women and girls of Juarez, Mexico, assisting local efforts and organizations and putting significant political pressure on the Mexican government to act over the unsolved murders of women in the bordertown. In 2008 Salma joined the V-Day Board, a group of extraordinary women who provide vision, leadership, and wisdom to help guide and support V-Day in its work. Salma has testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary supporting reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, and teamed up with Avon for their joint program Speak Out Against Domestic Violence.
Through her activism, acting, and producing, Salma has proved to be a woman of courage. She has lead by example, opening doors and creating new opportunities for women and girls everywhere. She continuously brings new voices into the fight for women's rights, and raises awareness for important issues that are all too often kept silent.
"I am involved because I want women to know, in their dark hour, they are not alone. When they think nobody loves them or they're disposable, or that it's OK to die under those circumstances because they're not important, I want them to know people care." - Salma Hayek
The Legion of Honour is the highest national decoration. Established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, it rewards the outstanding merits of citizens in all walks of life, regardless of social, economic, or hereditary backgrounds. There are five levels of this award: grand croix; grand officier; commandeur; officier, and chevalier.