Reclaiming Peace In Sarajevo, NYC Event Reminder
width="200">This Friday, September 7th, V-Day Sarajevo will host activists, actresses and academics who will speak the stories of women and girls worldwide and gather in a unique revolution for positive social change. Women and men from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well activists from the region, will walk together through the streets of Sarajevo to Reclaim Peace and join V-Day's worldwide efforts to end violence against women and girls.
Presented by Foundation CURE, a non-profit organization that focuses its work on feminist activism, publishing, audio-video and digital production, event management for human rights and research, V-Day Sarajevo will raise funds to go towards the building of the first self-sustainable multimedia center for women and girls in Sarajevo.
V-Day Sarajevo will take over the city for the day, inviting the whole city to take part in three main actions: "Reclaiming Peace" March through the streets of Sarajevo; V-workshops for regional and local activists; and a V-Day performance of The Vagina Monologues at the Bosnian Cultural Center.
Actions will be lead by local and international V-Day crew and the performance will be presented by Maryse Berniau (French Ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina), Sanja Vejnovic (actress, Zagreb, Croatia), Suzana Nikolić (Actress, Zagreb, Croatia), Dzana Pinjo (Actress/BiH), Rada Borić (feminist linguist and activist, /Croatia) , Jelena Milušic (singer/activist Mostar), Leila Cmajcanin (artist, Sarajevo), Aprilija Lužar (artist/activist/project Women's TAXI, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Ervina Dabizinovic (writer, Kotor, Montenegro), Anya Hart Dyke (activist, BBC researcher/London), Kathryn Edwards (communication consultant, Women in Black/London), Jasmina Djikoli (journalist/Sarajevo), Armina Pilav (POI/architect/Sarajevo) activists of the Foundation CURE and some more surprises.
Directing and production: Danijela Dugandzic, Rada Boric and Taida Horozovic
V-Day Sarajevo is part of a bigger dream to build The First Women Center in BiH - a multifaceted, self-sustainable and multimedia center for and by women. There is no place for girls and women where they can meet, learn, explore, play, initiate and share knowledge and experience, but also enjoy the art and culture trapped inside. You can be part of this dream and make it see the light of the day. Sarajevo will finally have a place like this, where women will come and go and always take something good for themselves, it will not be a shelter, it will be a playground for your daughter and your sons.
Join us in this quest!"
Danijela Dugandzic Foundation CURE
For more information please visit:
EVENT REMINDER! Stop Raping Our Greatest Resource: Ending Femicide in the DRC, A Conversation with Eve Ensler and Christine Schuler Deschryver
For those of you in the New York City area, there are only a few tickets left for the September 17th event - Stop Raping Our Greatest Resource: Ending Femicide in the DRC, A Conversation with Eve Ensler and Christine Schuler Deschryver, with introduction by Pamela Shifman, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF.
A one night only event, the evening will launch V-Day's newest Campaign, Stop Raping Our Greatest Resource: Power to the Women and Girls of Democratic Republic of Congo. This new initiative is a joint two-year campaign between V-Day and UNICEF on behalf of UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict. The campaign calls for an end to impunity for sexual violence, for measures to ensure that state armed forces and police do not perpetrate sexual violence against women and girls and for the full implementation of national laws that protect and empower women.
Who: Eve Ensler, Christine Schuler Deschryver, Pamela Shifman
What: Stop Raping Our Greatest Resource: Ending Femicide in the DRC
When: Monday, September 17, 7:00PM
Where: The Culture Project
55 Mercer Street (at Broome Street), NYC
Tickets $25: Pre-purchase required. Purchase tickets online at
For more information on the event please visit
For more information on the campaign and background on the Democratic Republic of Congo please visit:
Read the Associated Press story, Playwright Fights for Congolese Women