Swimming Upstream Returns to New Orleans
From the Superdome to Atlanta, Swimming Upstream Returns to New Orleans
After premiering at V-Day's tenth anniversary in New Orleans in April, Swimming Upstream, a look into real-life stories from women who survived Hurricane Katrina, just completed a run in Atlanta and a one night only benefit in New Orleans receiving rave reviews along the way. From November 5 - 16, V-Day and Ashe` Cultural Arts Center partnered with acclaimed director Kenny Leon, artistic director of True Colors Theatre Company, to bring Swimming Upstream to Atlanta audiences. The limited run was a huge success and garnered rave reviews.
Originally incubated and coordinated by V-Day Founder/Artistic Director Eve Ensler and Founder of the Ashe` Cultural Arts Center Carol Bebelle, together Carol and Eve worked with sixteen writers to produce a fluid piece of storytelling with humor and music that comes from the hearts of New Orleanians.
Yesterday, Swimming Upstream returned to New Orleans for a very special performance at Ashe Cultural Arts Center to celebrate Ashe's 10th Anniversary with a local and celebrity cast featuring Jasmine Guy, Shirley Knight, Liz Mikel and New Orleanian performers Troi Bechet, Asali Njeri DeVan, Anne-Liese Juge Fox, Karen-kaia Livers and singers, Michaela A. Harrison, Willa Bost, Leslie Blackshear Smith some of whom are also writers of pieces in the show.
Read the coverage and reviews!
"Swimming Back Home" - The Times Picayune, 11/17/08
"Swimming Upstream" - Variety, 11/11/08
"Emotions Drift Toward Healing In Katrina Stories" - Atlanta Journal Constitution, 11/07/08
"True Colors Theatre Delivers Poetic Justice In Swimming Upstream" - Creative Loafing, 11/12/08
"Swimming Upstream" - Playbill, 11/05/08
"Katrina Dialogue: Survivors And Actresses Share Stage In Poignant Play" - Access Atlanta, 11/02/08
Congo in the News - Watch Eve on Al Jazeera
Eve recently sat with Al Jazeera's Riz Kahn to talk about the violence in Congo and the burgeoning work of women on the ground to end the silence and fight the violence.
Check out the interview online -
Al Jazeera "Riz Kahn"
Part 1
Part 2
V-Gift Items Available for your Holiday Shopping Needs!
Get your holiday shopping done now and help end violence against women and girls!
The V-Day online store is featuring some exciting new items just in time for the holiday season - NEW Baby Onesies and Handmade Bags made by Congolese women's groups - as well as V-Day T-Shirts from the tenth anniversary, Tank Tops, Winter Hats, DVD's of V-Day's documentary Until The Violence Stops and much more!
Visit http://www.store-vday.org/
All proceeds go towards V-Day's initiatives to end violence against women and girls.