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TAKE ACTION: Word 'Vagina' banned in...MICHIGAN?


On June 14th, Michigan State Rep. Lisa Brown was banned from publicly speaking in the House because she said the word "vagina" during a debate on a bill that puts new restrictions on abortion providers.

Brown, who voted against the legislation, told supporters of the bill, "I'm flattered you're all so concerned about my vagina. But no means no."

Majority Floor Leader Jim Stamas, made the decision to prevent Brown from speaking. State Rep. Mike Callton supported the decision, stating that "What she said was offensive. It was so offensive, I don't even want to say it in front of women. I would not say that in mixed company," he said.

At V-Day we've seen the power of being able to say the word "vagina." We've seen how it's freed women from their shame and empowered them to become leaders in their communities.

"VAGINA. I say it because I believe that what we don't say we don't see, acknowledge, or remember. What we don't say becomes a secret, and secrets often create shame and fear and myths." Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues

Let Rep. Jim Stamas know that banning vagina is not acceptable. Tell him why we HAVE to say the word, send YOUR vagina story to him at

Let's make sure his inbox is filled with vaginas today!!