Bringing Light, Giving Power, Sharing Hope at the City of Joy by Matt Petersen
Global Green USA, a cherished V-Day partner, has facilitated a relationship with the Sunpower Foundation to provide solar PV panels, inverters, and batteries to the City of Joy, providing reliable, clean electricity. In August, Global Green USA President & CEO Matt Petersen traveled to Bukavu with a dedicated team of volunteers including Chadi Depelchin, Michael Stangl, and Heiko Steiber, to deliver and install the new City of Joy solar system, and to train and educate local individuals on the system's operation and maintenance.
Please join us in thanking and honoring Matt, Global Green USA, and the amazing volunteers for their dedication to the women of City of Joy, and their continued commitment to ending violence against women and the earth. Please read this great piece by Matt about his experience in DRC:
Driving to the City of Joy -- located in Bukavu in the conflict-torn eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo -- is intense.
Dusty dirt roads, throngs of people, motorcycles buzzing about, and utterly unpredictable traffic.
The route to the City of Joy is called Essence Road. Eve Ensler, whose V-Day organization spearheaded and created City of Joy, said she's never experienced anything like Essence Road. She's found no street more intense in her many travels, including to India and Pakistan.