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Eve Ensler Receives Honor in Paris


Following the success of V-Day’s ten year anniversary events at the Louisiana Superdome and New Orleans Arena in April of this year, Eve Ensler traveled to Paris to receive the prestigious "Medaille de Vermeil de la Ville de Paris" by Deputy Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, Deputy Mayor in Charge of Equality Between Men and Women, Fatima Lalem and Deputy Mayor in Charge of Culture, Christophe Girard.

The prestigious ceremony was followed by a sold out V-Day France benefit production of The Vagina Monologues at Théâtre Michel in Paris. Starring world renowned female writers and actresses and special guest Valérie Letard, Minister for Solidarity of Paris, the show was directed by Stéphanie Bataille who recently appeared in V TO THE TENTH, at the New Orleans Arena and starred Isabelle Aubret, Nicole Avril, Bataille, Victoria Bedos, Emmanuelle Boidron, Geneviève Brisac, Nicole Calfan, Florence Cestac, Noëlle Châtelet, Eva Darlan, Mélanie Decourt, Sonia Dubois, Laurence Faron, Séverine Ferrer, Pierrette Fleutiaux, Emilie Frèche, Gabou, Leïla Ghandi, Maïmouna Gueye ,Anne-Sophie Guittard, Natacha Henry, Nancy Huston, Marie-Christine Imbault, Colette Kerber, Vénus Khoury-Gata, Camille Laurens, Françoise Nyssen, Christine Orban, Isabelle Rattier, Moïra Sauvage, Agnès Vincent-Deray and Maryse Wolinski.

As with the over 4000 V-Day benefit productions that have taken place in 2008, all proceeds from the play will be donated to a local beneficiary working to end violence against women and girls. This production benefited ALC Nice, a non-profit organization founded in 1913 to assist survivors of human trafficking

Following this extraordinary event, Eve along with V-Day France representatives Marie Cécie Renauld and Stéphanie Bataille, met with V-Day activist Fadela Amara, Secretary of State for urban planning to the Ministry in Paris. Fadela, the former President of “ Ni Putes Ni Soumises” ("Neither Whores Nor Submissives") was part of a V-Day France 2003